AKA Government provides our clients with a full-service hardware and software sales staff. Licensing software and hardware quoting is a complex area that requires staff to attend classes and obtain certifications. For most multiple license purchases of software, our sales staff checks with the manufacturer’s licensing representatives to verify the best licensing choices for each customer.
And we don’t expect you to be hardware experts. AKA Government will identify the best hardware for the customer taking into consideration existing equipment, price/performance criteria, budget, and compatibility with other products. We will research the best products and match or beat the lowest competitive prices. All the information is then itemized on a quote or proposal with per item pricing and part numbers for easy comparison with competing quotes.
Key Elements:
- Discounted pricing to match or beat Internet pricing
- Certified Analysts/Engineers and Sales Staff making recommendations
- AKA is certified to resell numerous manufacturers’ products
- Detailed quotes and proposals verified by manufacturer’s licensing experts
- AKA tracks all software sales for follow-ups and license renewals
- Large projects are presented in detailed proposals with written justification of recommendations and scope of project
- Extended warranties are included with every quote
- AKA monitors all special pricing from manufacturers to pass on to the customer
- Warranty records are maintained with customer reminders